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Arden's Day Blog

Arden's Day is a type I diabetes care giver blog written by author Scott Benner. Scott has been a stay-at-home dad since 2000, he is the author of the award winning parenting memoir, 'Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal'. Arden's Day is an honest and transparent look at life with diabetes - since 2007.

type I diabetes, parent of type I child, diabetes Blog, OmniPod, DexCom, insulin pump, CGM, continuous glucose monitor, Arden, Arden's Day, Scott Benner, JDRF, diabetes, juvenile diabetes, daddy blog, blog, stay at home parent, DOC, twitter, Facebook, @ardensday, 504 plan, Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal, Dexcom SHARE, 生命是短暂的,洗衣是永恒的, Shēngmìng shì duǎnzàn de, xǐyī shì yǒnghéng de

Clinical Trials Connection

Scott Benner

To find a cure, JDRF needs people with type 1 diabetes to consider participation in human clinical trials of experimental new therapies.



The JDRF Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Trials Connection is here to help people with type 1 diabetes better understand what is involved in participating in a clinical trial, and to simplify the process of finding trials that may be of interest to them or to their family members.


The goal of this service is to serve as a resource on the latest research advances, new research studies, and information about opportunities to participate in clinical trials.

Participating in a clinical trial is an important way for people to help to find a cure for type 1 diabetes and its complications. That's particularly true today, when JDRF's nearly 40 years of research leadership has brought us to the point where scientific advances made in the laboratory are being tested in people.


Find out more here